Monday, September 21, 2009

Hit the Hole - Early and Often

Yes, only Dy is witty enough to come up with that title...we're trying a new format to ensure the full effect of our banter comes through in our blog.  See the new dialogue format below and don't forget to vote in our new poll!
Ang - Canfield is now CANTfield in my book - what's the deal: 5 sacks? 29 of 45 and an interception? Again all Rogers, all the time? No fire in his eyes, no leadership. Get movin' in that pocket...or throw the damn ball!  Yes, I know I can hear my hubby telling me to give the guy some slack and not to jump on him this early, but he looked terrible out there. Bring on the Moevao Mr.'ve got two great QBs, make 'em compete!  Although, I remember what happened when he tried that a few years back...we only need one leader I guess...
Jenn - I too was very upset at Canfield on Saturday. However, after calming down and reflecting on the game, I now think it's the front line and the play calling that I'm not liking. Yes, I would love to have a quarterback that actually leaves the pocket and can scramble but it would be even nicer if our front line would protect him and give him more that 2 seconds to throw the ball. Canfield has one heck of an arm on him and why Riley isn't using it I'm not sure. After the UNLV game I was even wondering if he might have gotten injured on the furosious sack? I know the Rogers brothers are great but I'm getting borred and he's not challenging the D at all. When FSNW turned us off to see the opening pitch of the Mariners, I was mortified!
Ang - I know!  I couldn't believe they cut over to the friggin' Yankees/Mariners with OSU making a drive in the last 1.5 minutes of the game - unfriggin' believable!  To top it off, I couldn't get the radio station to come in so heard the end of the game through a surplus of fuzz!  Sorry guys, I hate baseball (except OSU's team).
Dy - The best part of Saturday's game was in the parking lot testing out my famous jello shots. It's a great way to make new Beaver friends. Well really any kind of friend. In fact, it's very possible I was proposed to on Saturday. Refer back to the "priorities" article. Proposals on game day are totally fine. Weddings during football season are not! Just a note to the guys: fat diamonds are the best. Just as I make sure to use nothing but the best ingredients in my famous jello shots, please make sure to go for quality when selecting the ring.
Ang - Dy, you crack me up...but you're right...don't go cheap on us guys!
Dy - The Beavs didn't fall to an inferior team. Cinncinnati has two HUGE lines and a QB that may end up on the Heisman list. Every Beaver fan at the game and at home was frustrated by missing out on opportunities. Play calling is HUGE. Football teams CAN NOT win games if they fail to capitalize in the red zone. Settling for field goals will not suffice against Cinncinnati or any other Pac10 team. Our O line was dwarfed by Cinncinnati's and just could not protect Canfield. Using a seven step drop to give Canfield more time doesn't allow the Beavs to capitalize on the run. Even though Quizz is faster than a Prius, he needs to hit the hole fast or it will close up on him. Time and time again that happened. When the refs ruled against the Beavs interception with 7 min to go that put the final nail in the coffin. Adeniji (80) aka the Ninja has great hands, Coach. Let's try to utilize that over the middle pass and look to him deep once in a while. Still want to see more of Poyer and his wheels. Hail to Kristick, way to go.
Ang - And, for the record I'm still loving my Ninja (#80 for those of you who haven't noticed his tight rear yet-he's my pick for super hotty of the season), James did a fantastic job making things happen when we had jack squat, and way to go Kristick w/ that interception!  Dy...I'm starting to wonder about he really that fast???  I'm still waiting for that next gear that brother James seems to have?  BTW, how's this for an image - today I saw two ladies driving a Prius with "Coexist" and "Hybrid" bumper stickers all over their car whilst lighting up a cigarette - I'm pretty sure those aren't harmful for the environment or anything...
Jenn - Yes, loving Kristick......our modern day 'Piscitelli'. Wonder if he has an 8 pack too???? I'm going to pretend he does :)
Dy - So, whose our new crush for the year? Word has gotten out about the blog and I have all kinds of input from interested parties to share. Shall we?

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